Getting Started
Basically prepare your herbal substance by processing it in a grinder. Then carefully unscrew the jar from its base unit. Pull it straight up and over the heating stack (careful to not hit the Heating Stack). Next, remove the top cap from the heater stack. You may need to hold the stack with one hand and remove the cap with the other. The top cap has two screens in it. An inner screen that keeps the herbal substance from coming out of the top cap hole and the outer screen that holds the herbal substance in the top cap. Also an outer screen to hold the marijuana in the cap. Place the herbal substance in the top cap (on top of the inner screen). For one person use you should use the amount of herb that would fit on top of a penny. Then take the outer screen and put it in the cap on top of the cannabis flower. Push the screen in the cap with your thumb, but do not compress the cannabis flower. That will prevent the vapors from being released efficiently. The outer screen should fit inside the top cap to allow it to fit back on the heater stack. When you put the top cap back on top of the heat stack. DO NOT PUSH IT ON TOO HARD!! Sorry, did not mean to raise my voice :-). It merely has to be placed snugly on the heater stack. If you push it on too much the top cap may be hard to remove once you are done and the unit has cooled down. Once the top cap is in-place screw the jar back on to the base assembly (caring not to hit the Heater Stack) and make sure the JarHead is on a flat level surface. Now turn on the unit with the inline AC switch. The Screen will show the JarVapor Welcome message.