Mark Hatten’s Bio

Mark Hatten was born in Newark NJ and brought up in Montclair NJ where he currently resides.

Mark’s educational background includes, a Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) from Montclair State University. A Bachelors Degree in Applied Science and Technology (BSAST) from Thomas Edison State College. An Electrical Engineering Technician Certification – with honors from DeVry Technical Institute. And a National Cloud Technologist Association Certification (NCTA) from NJIT. Mark has recently earn a Python Master Certificate from online learning with This course contained 418 lectures across 59 Hours.

Mark enjoys seeking knowledge in many different technologies including mobile app creation, Programming languages, Electronic circuit design, Solid modeling and 3D printing.  Mark has played the guitar and bass for a number of years and also is a musician. Outdoors Mark enjoys skiing and a good game of tennis, both on sunny days.

 Mark has 25+ years of corporate IT experience working at different companies like AT&T, ITT, IBM, ADP and AIG to name a few. Mark has truly benefited from his many years of work experience and the educational background he received from his teachers and mentors at all the educational facilities he attended.

Mark has been an advocate of the use of marijuana from his High School days and while as a young adult purchased an early vaporization unit for his personal use. Not totally satisfied with how the unit functioned he decided to design his own. After multiple design iterations the concept for what he named “JarHead” was worthy of being taken to the next level. After making the decision to securing Intellectual Property for the JarHead design Mark established his company JarVapor LLC. 

Mark currently works part time as a technology consultant and spends the bulk of his time building his company JarVapor and learning and sharing the benefits of the use of the JarHead for flower vaporization.